Mental Health

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Mental Health
Mental health is positive and constructive positive behaviors that a person can display their talents by relying on these behavioral characteristics and the person has a high level of behavioral adaptation. A person who enjoys complete mental health can easily meet the needs of daily life and can play a constructive role in society. In other words, preventing mental health problems and diseases leads to mental health.


Factors affecting mental health
Various factors affect human mental health. These factors can be individual or return to the environment in which the person lives. Existence of various diseases such as heart, kidney, anxiety, stress and environment in which people have low salaries, education is limited and there is a violation of the law, including mental health.

Individual factors
There are several factors that affect a person’s health and psyche. These factors include genetics, gender, learning life skills, self-confidence, personal beliefs, nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, lack of addiction and employment. Factors such as genetics and gender can not be changed, but other factors mentioned can be changed and a person can improve his mental health by using the right and reasonable methods. In the following, Kala Kala intends to examine the factors that are effective in mental health and provide appropriate solutions for each of them.

Mental health is achieved when the tissues and organs of the body perform their functions effectively and there is no impairment in their function. When a member’s work is disrupted, it will also lead to mental disorder. For example, any disorder in the nervous system leads to depression and anxiety, and also disrupts the work of other organs and endangers mental health.

Gender is one of the determining factors in mental health. Gender as a determining factor is related to other factors such as age, family structure, income, level of social and cultural support, and discrimination that exists has a significant impact on mental health. Economic and social policies that cause sudden and more destructive changes in the amount of income, employment and social capital, if not controllable, lead to gender discrimination and severe mental disorders in individuals. According to studies, women are far more affected by social, economic and cultural factors, and women’s mental health is more at risk. Depression, stress, anxiety, sexual violence and discrimination are much higher in women.

Life Skills
Another factor influencing mental health is life skills. In this way, people who face the problems of daily life do not have the necessary abilities and this issue makes them very vulnerable. We all need to have the power to make decisions in different situations in life so that we can solve life’s problems. Controlling anger, fear and emotion are the most important life skills. By learning and benefiting from such skills, we can have a moderate and happy life.

Self Knowledge
One of the most important factors that can help us to have complete life satisfaction is to have the knowledge of our cognition, to be aware of our talents and abilities, to accept our weaknesses, and to work on overcoming them. . Such skills play a crucial role in a successful person’s life and improve a person’s performance in life.

Individual beliefs
In recent years, much research has been done on the relationship between religion and its importance in providing mental health around the world. Religion is a major part of the quality of life. Spirituality can bring peace and anxiety, stress, worries and apprehensions. Such people are less prone to grief and depression because of their heartfelt belief in God and the system of creation.

People should have mental health literacy. Mental health literacy also refers to knowledge and beliefs related to mental disorders that help identify, manage or prevent these mental disorders. Research shows that high levels of literacy allow individuals to seek early detection and prevention of mental disorders.

Family center is one of the factors that has a direct impact on a person’s behavioral orientation. People’s personalities are formed at home and in the family, and parents are the greatest educators of the individual in life. A healthy family is a family that ensures the mental health and well-being of each member of the family. To achieve a healthy family, parents must be careful in raising their children because, as mentioned, the personality of individuals is formed in the family.

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